Sunday, February 22, 2009

Office After 2

Office After 1

This office is so me now. It is organized to fit my personality. The most used forms have been placed in organizer trays on the book shelf. The quotes placed on the doore and the filing cabinet motivate me to work and keep me inspired.
Got to have my coffee some mornings. It may be decaf, but somedays it helps get me through the day. Given enough coffee, I could run the world.

I found these curtains for a bargain. They are so me. Contemporary yet cozy. I love them.

I am working on getting me an organizer for my paper. But hey, this works for now. No more running up front when I run out of paper.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Quotes

Myspace Attitude Quotes

Myspace Attitude Quotes

Myspace Attitude Quotes

Myspace Cute Quotes

Myspace Cute Quotes

Myspace Cute Quotes

Myspace Cute Quotes

Myspace Cute Quotes

Myspace Cute Quotes

Myspace Cute Quotes

Myspace Quotes
"Given enough coffee, I could run the world."

"Flowers of gratitude bloom forever in life."

"Wisdom begins in wonder."

"The secret of hapiness is to count your blessings, not your birthdays."

Sunday, January 25, 2009

After Pictures- 17 Year Old Girl Bedroom-Brentwood

First Room Done!!

This room was already painted the color the owner wanted. It simply just needed to be organized and the furniture needed replacing to enhance functionality. This room was rather simple but the end result was amazing. The owner couldn't believe her eyes.

Ok, so I did my first room on Saturday. I originally went over to the Brentwood house expecting to work on the Dream themed 10 year old girl's room but ended up doing the 17 year old girl's room. Her walls were already painted so that was a big thing. All I basically had to do is hang pictures and re-arrange some furniture and just put it together. I had so much fun; except for when I cut my finger. Anyhow, I now know why I love it so much. After we (yes I said we. She isn't the type to sit back and watch me do all the work.) finished, she could not believe her eyes. She was so amazed and was so grateful for something I felt was nothing. I could hear the gratitude in her voice. It was a happy, warm feeling inside. That reminded me why I am doing this; to make people happy and to help in any way I can.

After all was said and done, she wrote me check and we planned for next week. Oh yeah, she even fed me lunch. How nice was that?!

So take a look at the pictures and let me know what you think. The pictures above are the "Befores", look for the separate posting for the "Afters".

Until next time...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Before Pictures- Office

The office before was set up different. There was a desk going along the wall perpendicular to the door. The filing cabinet was in the corner in the front of the desk with the computer.

First Client

I got my first client last Saturday. When she had called she mentioned 2 rooms to me, a 10 year old girl's bedroom and a 17 year old girls bedroom. We had set up a consultation for Saturday. I was so excited to get started and ideas just started racing through my head. I immediately called my friend Niki and told her about my exciting news. She congratulated me and we both began planning how everything should be from business cards to my bag to what I was going to wear. Saturday came and I was driving out to Brentwood to her house. Walked in and immediately felt welcomed. I could feel the love from this family. I met the 2 daughters, mother and father and could tell that they were all very loving and needed my help. As the mother and I started talking, the rest of the family kind of went their own separate way. Mother showed me around the home and explained to me what she liked/hated about each room and what she maybe wanted. I too would spit out ideas as they would come to me. You could just see the excitement in her eyes as I told her my ideas. After my tour, we went back to the kitchen to talk. Long story short... She wants to do the entire house including the front porch! I am SUPER excited and can't wait to get started. I have already came up with ideas and started buying stuff to go in these rooms. We are starting this Saturday on the 10 year old's room. We are going with a "Dream" theme with stars and clouds and the sort. The room is already painted, it just needs a few more details.

Look for before and after pictures to be posted. And as always, if you know someone that could be in need of my services, show them this blog and give them my e-mail address ( I always want new clients.

Until next time...